Exploring Micro Writing

It’s been a while…like most of your I’m sure you’ve been feeling a bit like jello during all these lockdown months. Nevertheless, I thought I would try and wind myself back up and cuckoo a bit with this thought and that. I was interested in this genre they’re calling microfiction – probably not new, but then again I’m far from being new myself. On a website they had a photo of a library and asked for a piece under 100 words. As they never responded to my little text submission, perhaps it’s rubbish or not “fiction” enough for them. I rather think I’m more into micro thoughts than full scale fictional plots. Anyway, I would be curious as to your opinion. If you think it’s worth the effort, I’ll pop out some more from time to time as part of a new series of posts here.

So, here it is:

Thoughts rising to the surface of simmering minds,
captured by consciousness and compressed into words. 
Expelled into the world through voice and ink. 
Entombed in tomes enshrined in quiet crypts.
Perused by the curious, ignored by most.
The trials and tribulations of a domineering species
to understand, relate or escape their own world.
A light unto none except their own kind.
With power to delight, elucidate and incite at hand,
it’s puzzling why so few dare turn even a page.
After all, were the aliens to land, they’d come here first to get a lay of the land.